Grand Panevino collects and processes the personal data of its clients in accordance with its legal and contractual rights and obligations and in full compliance with Law No. 987, dated 10.3.2008, “On the protection of personal data” (amended).

As part of using the official website, the Grand Panevino. may collect personal data directly by completing registration and contact forms. Grand Panevino assures personal data subjects that their data is collected and processed solely for the purpose of realizing the relationship with the restaurant.

By using the website and giving consent to the registration, data subjects consent to their further processing and ensure that the completed personal data is accurate, accurate and up-to-date. In addition, the personal data subject is responsible for updating the recorded data to ensure that the information is constantly and fully updated.

Personal data subjects have the right to request access to their data and to request that such data be corrected or updated in accordance with the requirements of Articles 13 and 18 of Law 9887 dated 10.3.2008 personal data ». The request may be directed to

Grand Panevino guarantees that it has taken all physical, technical and operational measures to safeguard confidentiality as well as protection against loss, destruction, damage or even unauthorized distribution, in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 987, dated 10.3.2008, «On protection of personal data »(amended).

Personal data collected and stored in Grand Panevino databases will be processed by employees and / or associates of the data controller or those in charge of processing. This data shall not be transferred or communicated to third parties unless consent has been given or such information is required by the competent authorities under the law.

Data subjects have the right to refuse consent at any time to the collection and use of their voluntarily disclosed data and to request the deletion of such data.

By knowing the content of this rubric, data subjects have accepted the terms and conditions regarding Grand Panevino’s privacy policies.